1、,A Tail of Two Kitties 完形填空A Tail of Two Kitties有關(guān)的 完形填空及翻譯,2、,加菲貓電影一共幾部,劇情各是什么,3、,20世紀福克斯動畫作品,Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 發(fā)表日期:2007年9月5日 年度:07-08 期刊:2 , , , ,加菲貓2之雙貓記(節(jié)選1) ,電影小檔案, ,導演:蒂姆·希爾,加菲貓配音:比爾·莫瑞,主演:布瑞金·梅耶;詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特;比利·康諾利,類型:動畫/喜劇/家庭, ,在第二部《加菲貓》里,它隨主人Jon來到了英國旅行.平時在家里呆著,這只淘氣貓都可以惹出一籮筐的麻煩,更別說來到國外,它會搗出什么天大的亂子……
- A Tail of Two Kitties 完形填空A Tail of Two Kitties有關(guān)的 完形填空及翻譯
- 加菲貓電影一共幾部,劇情各是什么
- A Tail of Two Kitties 完形填空A Tail of Two Kitties有關(guān)的 完形填空及翻譯
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
發(fā)表日期:2007年9月5日 年度:07-08 期刊:2 【編輯錄入:ell】
導演:蒂姆·希爾(Tim Hill)
加菲貓配音:比爾·莫瑞(Bill Murray)
主演:布瑞金·梅耶(Breckin Meyer);詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特(Jennifer Love Hewitt);比利·康諾利(Billy Connolly)
Jon: I want you to know, you’re the most important thing in my life.
Garfield: Let me sleep, please.
Jon: Before I met you, my life had no meaning. I was incomplete.
Garfield: Oh, you still are, really.
Jon: I guess what I’m trying to say is ... Will you marry me?
Garfield: Eh? Marriage? Well, this is kind of sudden. There may be some legal issues1 here. Look, I like you, but not as a spouse2. Maybe as a servant, we could stay together, make it work.
Jon: (Pick up the photo) So what do you say ... Liz?
Garfield: Wait a second. Liz? Liz?
Jon: Garfield. Garfield: Liz is a girl. No, worse. She’s a girl vet3.
Jon: Turkey’s ready.
Garfield: Well, I think Jon has touched bottom4 now. Hmm, we need to put an end to this torture5.
Garfield: Oh, I thought she’d never leave.
Jon: Garfield, you ate the whole turkey?
Garfield: Well, yes.
Jon: What are you doing with this? Oh, never mind. She’s already off to ...
Garfield: Well, come on, cheer up. I saved you the wishbone6.
Jon: There’s nothing I can do.
Garfield: Sure there is. Return the ring and get your money back.
Jon: Wait a minute. I’ll go to London.
Garfield: Oh, you poor sap7. Jon: She’ll love it. She’ll be surprised.
Garfield: Please don’t do this.
Jon: She’ll be thrilled8.
Garfield: Tell me you’re not going to do this.
Jon: She’ll say yes.
1. legal issue 法律上的問題
2. spouse n.配偶
3. vet n.獸醫(yī)
4. touch bottom 達到最壞的程度
5. torture n.折磨
6. wishbone n.如愿骨(傳說兩人同扯吃剩家禽的V形骨,得大塊者能如愿以償.)
7. sap n.笨人, 傻子
8. thrilled adj.激動的(Tobecontinued)加菲貓電影一共幾部,劇情各是什么
辛普森一家 The Simpsons Movie 2007