
寧波水族批發(fā)市場2025-02-15 03:54:023.24 K閱讀7評論

1、What is the English name for the red dragon fish?

2、How do you say "紅龍魚" in English?

3、Can you provide the English translation for "紅龍魚"?

紅龍魚英文名怎么寫的(whatistheenglishnameforthereddragonfish) 水族問答

4、What are some common English names for the red dragon fish?

5、Is there a specific term used in English to refer to the red dragon fish?


The English name for the red dragon fish, also known as the Asian arowana or simply arowana, is "Asian Arowana." This name is derived from the scientific classification of the species, which belongs to the family Osteoglossidae and the genus Scleropages. The term "arowana" itself comes from the South American Tucano language, where it means "devil fish" due to its fierce appearance and predatory nature.

In addition to "Asian Arowana," other common English names for this fish include "dragon fish," "bonefish," and "monkey fish." These names reflect various aspects of the fish's characteristics, such as its resemblance to mythical dragons, its bony structure, and its monkey-like face with its protruding lower jaw.

The red dragon fish is highly prized in the aquarium trade for its vibrant coloration and unique appearance. It is native to freshwater habitats in Southeast Asia, including countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. Due to its popularity and high demand, the red dragon fish has become an endangered species in many parts of its natural range, leading to strict regulations on its export and trade.

In conclusion, the English name for the red dragon fish is "Asian Arowana," with several alternative common names such as "dragon fish," "bonefish," and "monkey fish." This species is highly sought after in the aquarium trade but faces conservation challenges due to overfishing and habitat loss.

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